As I sat across from him at the coffee shop, I couldn't help but notice how reserved he seemed. He wore a serious expression, and his eyes were deep and thoughtful. This was the first time I had met the guy my friends had been calling the "High and Mighty Crab."

He was a Cancer sign, born between June 21st and July 22nd. Being a Cancer myself, I understood how moody and emotional we could be, but this guy was different. He seemed to have mastered the art of keeping his emotions in check.

The "High and Mighty Crab" was a nickname he had earned for his apparent coldness towards others. He was polite and civil, but he never went out of his way to be friendly. Some even said he had a resting bitch face that could scare away the bravest of souls.

As we talked, I noticed that he was articulate and well-spoken. He had a way with words that made you feel like you were listening to a wise sage. Yet, there was still a sense of distance that he kept between us.

It wasn't until I asked him about his hobbies that he started to open up. He had a love of painting that he enjoyed in his spare time. He spoke about his art with a passion that lit up his face.

It was then that I realized that the "High and Mighty Crab" wasn't cold or unapproacha【理旭星座】ble. He was just guarded. He had built up walls around himself, but he was still a very warm and passionate person when you got to know him.

I learned that people often misunderstand him because of his guarded nature. They mistake his shyness for standoffishness, or his quiet demeanor for aloofness. But once you break through his barriers, you'll find a loyal and caring friend underneath.

As we finished up our coffee, I realized that the "High and Mighty Crab" was no longer just a nickname. He was a complex and fascinating personality that was worth getting to know. Sometimes we make judgments based on first impressions, but we need to take the time to truly understand someone before we can really appreciate them.

In conclusion, the "High and Mighty Crab" may seem like a cold and aloof person, but that's just his protective shell. Once you break through that shell, you'll find a warm and passionate person underneath. So, don't be too quick to judge someone based on their exterior. Take the time to get to know them first.