What is Aquarius in English? A Look at the Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and falls between January 20th and February 18th. This sign is often associated with being 【更多相关资讯请访问WWw.sheicuo.coM>三层星座】unconventional, independent, and intellectual. In English, Aquarius is the name given to this zodiac sign. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Aquarius zodiac sign and what it means to have this as your sign.

The symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer, which represents the act of giving life and spiritual food to the world. This symbol also represents the humanitarian nature of those born under this sign. Aquarians are often known for their desire to help others and their strong sense of social justice.

One of the key traits of Aquarians is their independence. They march to the beat of their own drum and don't like to be told what to do. This comes from their innate need for freedom and their desire to break free from any constraints that may hold them back.

Aquarians are also known for their intellect and love of learning. They have a natural curiosity about the world and enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts. They have a tendency to be innovative and forward-thinking, which makes them well-suited to careers in technology, science, and the arts.

Despite their love of independence, Aquarians are also known for being loyal and devoted friends. They value friendship and tend to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share their passions and interests.

In relationships, Aquarians can sometimes be seen as aloof or distant. They value their freedom and independence, and may struggle with the idea of committing to a long-term relationship. However, once they find someone who understands and appreciates their need for independence, they make loyal and devoted partners.

In conclusion, Aquarius is the name given to the eleventh sign of the zodiac in English. Those born under this sign are known for their independence, intellect, and humanitarian nature. While they may be aloof at times, they make loyal and devoted friends and partners. So if you're an Aquarius, embrace your unique traits and be proud of who you are!